

lack of periods during several menstrual cycles.

Etiology (mental reasons)

most often, this is the unwillingness to be a woman, right up to rejection of own female nature, dislike for yourself, originated at teenage age usually. See the article MENSTRUATION (PROBLEMS).

Sometimes only material main life goals, which bring failures often, with frequent strong disappointments, because of lack of a cultural wealth, can affect development of this disease in the woman (marriage, giving birth and education to children, together with study in a college and other things, belong to material values too).


amenorrhea is not a independent diagnosis. At physiological level it is the symptom indicating anatomic, biochemical, genetic, physiological or mental disorders, therefore, for full treatment it is necessary to detect the main physiological disease also. See the article MENSTRUATION (PROBLEMS).

Affirmation: “I love and I accept all myself as the woman. It’s pleasant to be a woman”.

Updated on 4 April 2024

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